The Views of Classroom Teachers with the Title of Head Teacher on Citizenship Education



Citizenship, , citizenship education, , classroom teachers


The aim of this study is to reveal the experiences and opinions of primary school teachers with the title of head teacher about citizenship education. Qualitative method was used in this study. The participants of the study consisted of 25 classroom teachers with the title of head teacher working in 14 primary schools. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with the participants. The data were analyzed by content analysis. As a result of the research, it was seen that teachers defined citizenship education as establishing social rules, giving individuals a sense of duty, gaining necessary responsibilities, and understanding rights. They stated the purpose of citizenship education as fulfilling citizenship duties, raising desirable citizens, raising individuals who are beneficial to their family and nation, and ensuring social order. In addition, it was concluded that citizenship education is mostly given in life science, social studies, and Turkish lessons. Furthermore, it was concluded that citizenship education was mostly given with the subjects of national values and citizenship duties. While conducting citizenship education, teachers use activities such as making sample choices, assigning duties and responsibilities, using visuals such as movies, videos, and drama in the classroom, while organizing institutional visits outside the classroom. According to teachers, citizenship education should help students acquire values such as respect, obeying rules, patriotism, morality, honesty, and responsibility. Teachers see the lack of application of the information learned in citizenship education, the lack of practical training, and social media as problems.


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How to Cite

Çetiner, A., & Şimşir, M. (2024). The Views of Classroom Teachers with the Title of Head Teacher on Citizenship Education. Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Language, 4(1), 47–64. Retrieved from
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