Assessing challenges and strategies to improve speaking English at Tarphel Primary School



Communication, English speaking, strategies, students.


Educating, learning, communicating, and expressing ideas and knowledge are all possible through language. In Bhutan, English and Dzongkha are used as mediums of instruction in schools. Although English is the medium of instruction, students struggle to communicate in English. Even after the teacher's best efforts, the students are falling behind in their English speaking. As a result, this research aimed to determine the cause of difficulty speaking English, ways to improve, and the best strategies to improve speaking habits. The data were gathered using total population sampling. Open-ended questionnaires were used to collect data. The findings showed that students have difficulty speaking English as a result of a number of factors, including linguistic factors, psychological factors, and the environment in which they live. The results also showed that level-one assistance, body language, and using different media instruments could improve English speaking skills. Furthermore, the study indicates that group discussion is the most effective strategy for improving speaking skills. This study will be helpful to educators in enhancing their students’ English-speaking skills


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How to Cite

Basnet, J. B., Wangmo, N., Samdrup, U. ., & Jamtsho, Y. . (2022). Assessing challenges and strategies to improve speaking English at Tarphel Primary School. Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Language, 2(2), 132–145. Retrieved from
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