The Relationship between Grammar and Vocabulary Levels and Their Writing Skills of Those Who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language
Grammar, vocabulary, writing skill, teaching TurkishAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to examine the predictive effect of grammar and vocabulary variables on writing skills of those who learn Turkish as a foreign language and to determine the significance of the variables that affect the writing skills. The study was conducted according to the relational scanning model, one of the quantitative research models. The data of the study were obtained from a total of 100 students with B1 and B2 language levels in Turkish Teaching Centers in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the analysis of the data obtained, descriptive statistics such as mean, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression and correlation analysis from hypothesis tests were used. The data were analyzed using SPPS 21.0 data analysis program. As a result of the study, it was observed that the students obtained a result close to the middle level in the grammar test, grammar and writing skills did not differ according to gender, but the probability value calculated for "Vocabulary" changed in favor of men. It has been seen that students at B2 language level get higher scores than students at B1 language level, level of knowledge of the language, vocabulary and writing skills levels of older age groups that favor change and increasing life expectancy in Turkey in grammar, vocabulary and writing skills has been shown to increase. It has been observed that language and vocabulary have a positive and significant effect on writing skill, and there is a positive, significant and high relationship between grammar and vocabulary.
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